DVD Richard Hinrichs - Motivation of Dressage Horses

4,99 €* -87.5%* UVP 39,90 €*

Vergleichspreis: UVP / (ehemals) gebundener Verlagspreis*, inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit 3-5 Tage

Lieferzeit 3-5 Tage

Art.Nr. 44010491

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  Mehr Details   Pferdia/wehorse


DVD Richard Hinrichs - Motivation of Dressage Horses

The idea of "motivating" horses to perform is a complex one. How do we increase a dressage horse's enjoyment of the exercises and movements, how do we enhance his natural charisma, and how do we then encourage the horse to demonstrate his strength and vibrancy when ridden?

In this DVD, renowned classical rider Richard Hinrichs demonstrates his very effective methods for motivating horses and offers various suggestions for improving difficult and demanding training sessions so they are no longer just "work," but also an opportunity for horse and rider to enjoy each other. His methods include the use of:

- Positive reinforcement

- Relaxation and stretching

- Special collecting exercises

This DVD shows how wonderful riding dressage in the classical style can really be.

Richard Hinrichstrained at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna as a young man. Today he performs widely with his Lippizaner and Andalusian horses, demonstrating the fine art of classical horsemanship.

Playing Time 50 minutes. DVD . Producer: Pferdia/Wehorse. Teaching program according to §14 JuSchG

Spieldauer: ca. 50 Minuten. Lehrprogramm gemäß §14 JuSchG. DVD Format. Sprache: Englisch. Produzent: Pferdia/wehorse.

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